The St. Paul's Choirs


Adult volunteers and the St. Paul’s Choristers and Choral Scholars come together to lead the hymns and anthems at worship each Sunday. The choirs also participate in concerts, special services such as Evensong, and other events throughout the year. The Compline Choir (separate upper and lower voices choirs) sings chant and polyphony every Sunday night for the 8 PM service of Compline. St. Paul’s maintains a roster of professional singers that are called to sing special services throughout the year.

St. Paul’s believes deeply in the power of congregational singing, and so our choir’s primary responsibility is to lead and inspire congregational song. Though we use the Hymnal 1982 as our primary musical resource, we frequently draw from other sources as well.

St. Paul’s Chorister Program

 The St. Paul’s Chorister Program, is open to all children in grades 2 – 8. The Choristers meet weekly to rehearse and sing with the Schola Choir bi-monthly at the 11 am service. Rehearsals incorporate supplemental music education and fun! The program is free to all students and you do not need to be a member of St. Paul’s (or any church!) to participate. 

St. Paul’s Choral Scholars Program

The Choristers are supported by Choral Scholars, high school aged students who often are pursuing musical careers of their own. This program offers an exposure to a wide variety of choral repertoire, and develops skills in sight reading and leadership. A honorarium is available to Scholars. 

If you would like more information about music and arts programs at St. Paul’s or would be interested in joining the choir contact Josh Ehlebracht at

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