Life-long learning is central to our spiritual growth, and it infuses everything we do, from our worship to our service in the community. St. Paul’s offers opportunities for all ages to engage, often inter-generationally, in faith formation. Our focus spans a full range of topics: Scripture, history, music and art, spirituality, theology, and justice.
Several times a year, Adult Forum Series are offered, based on the season, current events, or parishioner's suggestions. Have a question you would like answered, or a topic you think should be explored? Share it with the Formation Team.
During the 9 am service on Sunday, children ages 3-10 are invited to join in a special worship activity. They will gather at the font to hear the Gospel and then leave to take part in a special activity during the sermon and will return to service before communion. (Kids are welcome to bring their Grown-up along!)
Events in 2024:
Trip to Trinity Southport: “Conversations We Need to Have” (Middle East)
Trip to Milford movie: “A Case for Love” (Bishop Michael Curry)
Collaboration with Justice Ministries for Black History Month
Lenten programs Tuesday nights w/ Celtic worship – Personal Prayer Practices
Adult Forum pilgrimages to Brian Whelan exhibit
Lenten Programs Tuesday nights w/Celtic worship - Personal Prayer Practices
Children’s Sunday morning programming launch
Earth Day on the Green
Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to the National Museum of African American History & Culture
Collaboration with Justice Ministries for hosting Veterans for Peace marchers
Collaboration with Justice Ministries for Juneteenth celebration
Forum program on pilgrimage by Will Doreza
Pilgrimage to Chuang Yen Buddhist Monastery
Book Talk: Eve Isn’t Evil with Julie Faith Parker, author
Adult Forum: Staying Spiritually Grounded during Elections
Book group/discussion on Eve Isn’t Evil
Light in the Darkness: A Celtic Advent Evening
Catch up on past sessions on the St. Paul's YouTube Channel
Coming up Next:
January: Pilgrimage to the Ruby and Calvin Fletcher African American History Museum in Stratford
February: Celebrating Black History Month. Visit the EVENTS page for more details.
Sunday Worship:
Holy Eucharist - 9 & 11 am
Compline by Candlelight -8 pm
Online Morning Prayer - 8:30 am
Monday & Friday on Facebook
Tuesday & Thursday via Zoom
Holy Eucharist - 11:30 am