We’re delighted that you may be interested in joining St. Paul’s Church, or the greater Episcopal Church in general.
Membership occurs in simple and more formal ways. These steps and rituals are an inherent and important part of Episcopal worship, theology and doctrine. Membership can be as simple as registering the date of your baptism in our parish register. You may also find our Rite of Welcome to be a meaningful way to liturgically mark your entry into the life of St. Paul’s.
Membership also happens more formally through Rites of Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion, which you can read more about here.
If you have an interest in or questions about membership in St. Paul’s and the Episcopal Church, contact Marsha Dunn, Associate for Member Engagement and Parish Administration, at 203-847-2806.
Sunday Worship:
Holy Eucharist - 9 & 11 am
Compline by Candlelight -8 pm
Online Morning Prayer - 8:30 am
Monday & Friday on Facebook
Tuesday & Thursday via Zoom
Holy Eucharist - 11:30 am