Ways to Support the Ministry

of St. Paul's on the Green

Thank you for supporting the mission and ministries of St. Paul’s. Your contribution is essential to the life and health of this spiritual home.

One Time Gifts

  • donate online 
  • donate via PayPal
  • mail a check, made out to “St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,” to 60 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851
  • give securely by phone: text the amount of your donation to 855-934-1074, and follow the instructions you receive in reply

Sustained Giving

This is the main source of financial support for St. Paul’s provided by its members and friends. It is critical to our financial planning and we encourage everyone to consider this way of support, no matter the size of your gift. A pledge is a promise to support St. Paul's financially throughout the year. When you make a pledge, the Vestry is able to plan more effectively for the year.

Make a pledge

Fulfilling your pledge is easy -  you can pay by cash or check, or click below to set up automatic payments.

Fulfill your Pledge

Other means of giving to St. Paul’s

Church offerings

Anyone may contribute to the offering taken during the liturgy. Cash and checks are welcome and accepted. Checks should be written to “St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.”

Gift of appreciated securities

Securities and mutual funds that have increased in value and been held for more than one year are one of the most popular assets to use when making a gift to St. Paul’s on the Green. When donating appreciated securities or mutual funds you have held more than one year to us in support of our mission, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer.

You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer. With questions about giving appreciated securities, please contact the co-treasurer at treasurer@stpaulsnorwalk.org.

Other questions about giving?

Contact the parish office at admin@stpaulsnorwalk.org, or 203-847-2806. Thank you for supporting the work and mission of St. Paul’s!

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