Time, Talent & Treasure...
…also known as the St. Paul’s Classifieds! Here’s the list of ways you can contribute to the ongoing life and ministry of this church and community. Contact Marsha Dunn (admin@stpaulsnorwalk.org) for more information or to sign up.
A Prayer For Those Who Volunteer in Churches:
Everlasting God, strengthen and sustain all those who volunteer in our churches;
that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people;
and grant that together they may follow Jesus Christ, offering to you their gifts and talents;
through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(Adapted by Sharon Ely Pearson from the Collect at a New Ministry, Episcopal Book of Common Prayer)
Worship Opportunities:
Altar Party- There are several liturgical roles that come together to create worship at St. Paul’s:
- Thurifer – Leading the procession each Sunday, the thurifer carries the incense during the service.
- Crucifer – The main duty of the crucifer is to carry the cross during the processions.
- Server – Servers carry the candles during the processions and help distribute communion.
- Choir– Under the direction of Josh Ehlebracht, the St. Paul’s Choir leads and inspires congregational singing Sunday Mornings and participates in special musical events through the year. With programs for kids and adults, there is a place for everyone. Rehearsals are held weekly.
- Videographer / Photographer – express your creative side by helping livestream services and events at St. Paul’s or submitting photographs for online media.
Other Sunday morning roles are just as vital to worship at St. Paul’s but do not require vesting:
- Sacristan – A “behind the scenes” role, volunteers set up for the services and help with clean up afterward.
- Lector – The lector reads the Old Testament lessons during the services.
- Intercessor –These volunteers read the Prayers of the People.
- Healing Team – Members of the healing team offer individual prayers in the church during communion. Teams include Anointers who offer the prayer, and team members who silently support the prayers.
- Usher – Like flight attendants, they look like a friendly face helping find your seat, but behind the scenes the ushers help keep everything running smoothly.
- Minister of Welcome – Be on hand to greet folks Sunday morning with a smile and a nametag. This is a wonderful way to get to know each other.
- Bread Baker – Love to bake? Want to learn How? Join the ranks of bakers that create the homemade loaves used during Holy Eucharist.
- Altar Flower Ministry – Members of the flower team purchase and arrange flowers for the Altar for services and other events. Members of the parish may donate flowers in memory of, or in thanksgiving for, a family member or friend. Donors can sign-up for specific Sundays by contacting the parish office.
- Children’s Worship Activity – Children ages 4 – 8 are invited to have a special lesson during the sermon. Be a part of the team that gets to share God’s word with the youngest of our community.
Community Opportunities –
Spiritual Care
- Prayer Chain – A group of parishioners pray daily for specific or general requests. As prayer requests are received, the Prayer Chain is notified. First names only are used in order to preserve confidentiality.
- Pastoral Care Team – Visit, call or write parishioners who are unable to attend worship services in person, for a friendly chat, or to take communion.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry – This ministry provides blankets for newly baptized babies and prayer shawls for those in need of them. Knitters & Crocheters are invited to join every other Tuesday for conversation and crafting.
- Morning Prayer – Weekday mornings different parishioners lead the online community in Morning Prayer. This brief meditative service is based on the daily lectionary. Tuesdays and Thursdays join a group live on Zoom at 8:30 am (find the day’s link on the website calendar). Monday & Friday the service is pre-recorded so you can lead the service whenever it is convenient for you.
Hospitality Committee – The hospitality committee is vital to the Radical Welcome of St. Paul’s. Help spread love through food and fellowship by volunteering with this group.
- Coffee Hour Hosts
- Sign up to bring food for coffee hour on Sundays
- Volunteer as a Team Captain to organize Sunday Coffee hours once a month.
- Special Receptions – A few times a year St. Paul’s throws a Festive Reception following special events like Evensong and the Pride Eucharist. These are almost as much fun to plan as they are to attend.
Buildings and Grounds – From pulling weeds and trimming trees, to painting walls and cleaning out gutters- just like at home, there is always a project waiting! Come join the fun of working on projects together.