Cecil Wade – Stewardship 2025

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Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSVA)

When Amy and I first came to St Paul’s three years ago, I had an unusual experience: I felt that I had arrived at home. It wasn’t just the stunning architecture and iconography, or the exhilarating music, or even the uplifting preaching and moving liturgy. I felt that I was surrounded by family. It was the first time that I truly felt the reality of the expression that the church is the body of Christ.

In the years since, that feeling has grown. I love this church, and I suspect you do too. I can’t imagine leaving it or losing it.

St. Paul’s is a precious resource, but it’s also a fragile resource. It is a living thing, and like all living things, it runs the risk of withering or even dying. We can’t let that happen. St. Paul’s isn’t blessed with a large endowment that can cover current expenses. We, you and I, are charged with the on-going protection and nourishment of St. Paul’s. It is we who must keep it alive and vibrant.

Each of us is receiving the gifts of time, treasure and talent from God. Each of us receives these different gifts in different measures. We have the responsibility and the privilege to return part of this bounty for the support of the church in the real world.

Each of us must decide individually what we can contribute to the flourishing of St. Paul’s, but let us try to make a sacrificial offering. I try to imagine what a comfortable pledge will be for our family, and then I add something more so that it feels sacrificial. I pray that we can all do our best in this stewardship season to preserve and develop the precious gift that is St. Paul’s on the Green.

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