
“My life at St. Paul’s” by Joe Shafranek

My life with St. Paul’s started June 21, 2009. My spouse Tom Hickey and I were looking to deepen our spiritual life together. We had gone to the PRIDE event the day before and got information about St. Paul’s and their services. When we came to services, we were greeted by Gwen and Walter Briggs […]

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  February 3, 2021   No comments

A Transition for Brad McKinney

Dear St. Paul’s parish community, I am writing today with the sad-for-us news that Brad McKinney, our St. Paul’s Treasurer, will be relocating to Tennessee by the end of January. Brad and his husband, Ted, have found a wonderful home with land in the Memphis area, and will be putting down deeper roots in a […]

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  January 20, 2021   No comments

Floor nominations at the Annual Meeting

The nominations committee has, in accordance with parish bylaws, put before the parish nominees for co wardens, vestry members, co treasurers, clerk and delegates to the annual convention of the diocese. The bylaws and church canons provide for nominations from the floor except for the office of warden. Any person so nominated must agree to placing […]

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  January 16, 2021   No comments

Epiphanies — from the Parish Wardens

Most of the conversations we’ve had in late December and the 1st of January have included some version of “I’m sure glad to see the end of 2020!” Indeed! And, yet, we might also pause to reflect on the Epiphanies many of us have had – both small and large. What were yours? An awakening […]

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  January 9, 2021   No comments

Regathering Update, November 11, 2020

Over the past two months, a St. Paul’s team convened by Fr. Daniel and led by Sandy Bria and Carol Custus, along with Marsha Dunn, Ryan and Elia Kopreski, Barbara McCabe, Terri Polley, Jake Street, and Anne Watkins, has worked to define the conditions and mitigate the risks of our regathering for worship in the […]

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  November 11, 2020   No comments

Financial Update from the Wardens

In early August, we reported to you on the financial health of St. Paul’s and let you know that with the help of government relief through the Payroll Protection Act, through the benefit of volunteer efforts that resulted in cost savings, and with giving projections that remained on track at the time, St. Paul’s was […]

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  November 7, 2020   No comments

Vestry news: October 28, 2020

Last week we gave you a quick rundown of what a Vestry is, and how members are chosen. If you missed reading our rundown, here is a repeat! We are also including the link to our description of the position of vestry person. Current vestry members: Carol Custus, Wally Frey, Mirella Gonzalez, Diane Jellerette, Ryan […]

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  October 26, 2020   No comments

St. Paul’s Virtual Silent Auction

Thanks to the many, many people who donated items, sponsored our efforts, made cash gifts, and bid on items in St. Paul’s first Virtual Auction. Congratulations to all successful bidders! The preliminary estimate is that we’ve netted just over $12,000 for the support of St. Paul’s mission. But, it doesn’t have to be over quite yet! […]

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  October 20, 2020   No comments

Vestry news: October 21, 2020

Your Vestry is working to remove any mystery about what a Vestry is, what it does, and how Vestry members are chosen. In the Episcopal Church the governing body of a parish has several parts: the Rector/Provisional Priest in Charge; the four officers; and the nine vestry members. The four officers are: two Wardens (Terri […]

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  October 19, 2020   No comments