Resolution 7

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At the 236th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, a resolution
which would come to known as Resolution #7 called on the bishops of the Diocese to
create a “Reparations Task Force.” 

The pertinent resolve in Resolution #7 reads as follows:
“Resolved, that this Convention direct the bishops to create a task force whose membership will consist of a majority of clergy and laity of color, with an invitation to all clergy of color canonically resident in ECCT to serve on the task force, in order to study and make specific recommendations to the 237th  Convention as to reparations by ECCT and individual Parishes, Worshipping Communities, and Intentional Episcopal Communities in partial compensation for 400 years of discrimination and bias based on

  1. Acknowledging the 175th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery in the
    State of Connecticut and Creating an Episcopal Church in Connecticut
    (ECCT) Reparations Fund: Acknowledging and reaffirming Resolution 7 passed
    in 2020 at the 236th Convention, this resolution creates a Reparations Fund, and
    calls upon all congregations and members of the ECCT to reflect on, in a formal
    and communal way, the long journey to achieve abolition of slavery in the State
    of Connecticut.
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