Archive for October, 2024

Sherrie Beke – Stewardship

Bow down thy ear O Lord hear me: for I am poor and needy. Psalm 86 We belong and we are loved. When our grandson Phoenix was born he came too early and  was very very ill.  Our family gathered together to support and comfort each other.  We prayed – a lot  And we hoped.  […]

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  October 21, 2024   No comments

Cecil Wade – Stewardship 2025

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSVA) When Amy and I first came to St Paul’s three years ago, I had an unusual experience: I felt that I had arrived at home. It wasn’t just […]

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  October 14, 2024   No comments

Grateful Dude

Stewardship TestimonialDon Parker-BurgardOctober 6, 2024 I’m not the kind of person who’s comfortable wearing a T-shirt in church, but as I was thinking about what St. Paul’s means to me and why I’m excited about supporting it financially, it occurred to me that this shirt pretty much says it all. I am a grateful dude.  […]

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  October 7, 2024   No comments

Meet Nicholas Stigall

Nicholas Stigall is the Organ Scholar at Trinity Episcopal Church on the Green and a graduate organ student at the Yale School of Music/Institute of Sacred Music. Originally from Knoxville, TN, he completed his undergraduate degree at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Nicholas most recently spent a year as Organ Scholar working at Trinity […]

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  October 2, 2024   No comments

Reflection from Gail Bindley-Taylor

BELONG, BELOVED, BE GENEROUS As I reflect on this year’s Stewardship campaign that is about to begin, two things stand out for me. The faith of this small group of parishioners who have put themselves forward to do this work of Stewardship, stepping out of their comfort zones, because they believe in this church community […]

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  October 1, 2024   No comments